Home Page

Nestled between the Huron National Forest and the blue-green waters of Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay lie the peaceful twin cities of Tawas City and East Tawas. A quiet community which welcomes visitors year round, the Tawases provide an excellent place to raise children, enjoy the bounties of Mother Nature, and get away from the hectic life so common to many people these days.
Originally begun in 1995 as a tool for learning how to create web pages, this site continues to slowly change and grow over time. You are welcome to browse through this version and see if there is anything of interest to you. Thanks for stopping by!

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Copyright 1996-2017 - All rights reserved
These pages provided courtesy of Rick Simon - All inaccuracies, errors, and/or inanities are his responsibility.
These pages provided courtesy of Rick Simon - All inaccuracies, errors, and/or inanities are his responsibility.